Our Policies & Procedures:

(Please view individual policies for more details)

Aims & Objectives:

1. To provide a caring and stimulating environment, where each child is helped to be healthy, safe and secure, enjoy learning, to achieve, is valued, respected and make a positive contribution.

2. To provide activities where children learn through play, both child initiated and adult led.

3. To promote the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.

4. To prepare each child for their transition to school/Home school


Parents/Carers are welcome to put their child’s name on our waiting list for the preschool after the child has turned two. For weekend Arabic class after the child has turned three and for the Evening Madrasa after the child has turned four.

2. In the event we are over subscribed places will be offered to the current priorities of the preschool (i.e. siblings, age, gender ratio, ethnic minorities etc).

3. Rainbow House admits children aged between 3 and 4½ years for the Nursery sessions so that they can attend for up to two years or a minimum of one term before they turn 5yrs old.

Settling In

1. Before a new child starts, we give the opportunity for the child and the parent/Carer to visit the centre.

2. Parent/Carer will be encouraged to stay with the child when they start for the first time for as long as this is needed for the child to settle in.

3. We will reassure parents whose child seems to be taking a long time to settle in.

4. Where appropriate, we encourage parents to separate from their child in stages; firstly for short periods, gradually building up to full sessions.

Arrival & Departure:

1. Children should be brought to and collected from the main entrance of Rainbow House.

2. On arrival, please wait outside the centre and we will call you through at the start of your child’s session. Should you be late, please ring the buzzer and wait to gain entrance.

3. On collection, please wait outside until we open the doors for collection.

4. Should a person, who does not normally do so, collect your child, we will need to be notified in advanced. We will not release your child without prior consent.

5. In the event that someone should arrive without our prior knowledge, the child will not be discharged and we will contact the parent.

6. In the event of an emergency, Please telephone 020 7650-3055 – should no one be able to take your call please ensure you leave a message. Messages will be checked at the end of the session.

Uncollected Children:

1. From time to time we understand parents may be running late. If, for whatever reason, a child is not collected on time, we will initially hold on to the child for 10 minutes to allow for traffic etc. When lateness is anticipated the parent must inform the setting by calling and leaving a message stating nature and time scale delay.

2. Should no contact be made with the nursery we would ring the first contact telephone number given on the child’s registration form.

3. If we are not able to contact the first name we will try all subsequent numbers.

4. If, after trying all given numbers, we have still not been able to contact a parent or guardian, we will telephone the Social services and possibly the police. From that point the social services or police will take up the task of tracking the child’s family.

5. Regular lateness will incur a fine of £25

Staffing Policy, Development & Training

It is our aim to update our staff and committee with new training as and when it is required.
Rainbow House Nursery staff are qualified with the relevant early years qualifications; we believe that experience is also a valuable quality. Staff are sent on on-going training throughout the year to better their skills and update their knowledge. In addition to the Ofsted requirements we at Rainbow House employ staff with community languages.

Child Protection

1. We aim to provide an ethos and environment that is safe, secure and free from any abuse. Any suspicion of abuse will be promptly and appropriately dealt with. All Rainbow House staff will be DBS checked.

2. No adult will be left alone for long periods of time with individual children.

3. Only staff who are DBS checked will be allowed to take the children to the toilet. No other adults are allowed alone with any child.

Behavioural Management

There may be times when a child behaves in a manner that is disruptive and/or dangerous, either to themselves or to others. At Rainbow House, we have methods, which are implemented in order to minimise and to stop any misbehaviour.

1. All adults will behave consistently so that the children will have the security of knowing what to expect and can develop useful behaviour.

2. All adults will provide a positive role model for children with regard to friendliness and care.
3. Adults will praise desirable behaviour.
4. Adults will not behave in a threatening way.
5. Adults will intervene when a problem arises between children, encouraging them to resolve their differences, encouraging the child to take an active role in the solution making process and explain what actions can hurt and/or upset one another.
6. Children will slowly be encouraged to learn about feelings and their own space.

Parental Involvement

Rainbow House recognises that parents are the first educators of their children. We encourage all parent/Carers to play an active role in working in a respectful partnership with us. We welcome feedback from parent/Carers at all times. We have a suggestion box in the coat area and we will do our best to take into consideration any suggestions that will be practical to implement. We encourage parents to join the management committee and to always be active in their child’s development. We also hope that parents will be able to accompany their child on trips/outings which turn out to be wonderful days out.

Equal Opportunities & Inclusive Practice:

At Rainbow House, we are committed to provide equal opportunity to all children and families. We believe that no child, individual or family should be excluded from the activities in the playgroup irrespective of their gender, family status, class, disability, race, colour, ethnicity, culture, or other factors. We aim to ensure that all those who work in or volunteer at Rainbow House show care and consideration to all children.
Our Equal Opportunity policy is reflected in our curriculum (i.e. books, activities etc).

Lost Children:

We at Rainbow House operate strict security measures at all time. In the event of a child being lost whilst in the care of staff we will, after a thorough search of the buildings and surroundings:

1. Notify the parents or carers.
2. Notify the Police.
3. Continue to search.
4. Log and investigation the incident
5. Inform Ofsted

Accident and emergency procedure:

All children have minor accidents. Rainbow House deals with such accidents and those that are a bit more serious in the following way:

1. A member of staff with a First Aid certificate will be on duty in Rainbow House and/or the LMC centre at all times.

2. All accidents will be noted in the accident record book, together with the action taken. This shall be shown to the parent and signed by them the same day.

3. Parents shall be notified immediately if a child has a head injury or other accident about which the First Aider is concerned.

4. If the child had a serious accident an ambulance will be called and the parents. A member of staff will accompany the child until the parent/carer arrives. The accident will be logged and investigated and OFSTED informed.

5. If a child arrives with a pre-existing injury, parents are required to inform staff how the injury occurred and this will be logged in the accident book. This is to protect all parties concerned.


1. Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infectious disease.

2. Parents are asked not to bring a child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 24 hours has elapsed since the last attack.

3. If a child has any cuts or open sores, it will need to be covered.

4. If medication needs to be administered, written instructions will be required. 

5. Children will be supervised in washing their hands after using the toilet and before eating food.

6. All adults will wash hands after using the toilet and before handling food.

7. Tissues will be available and children are encouraged to blow and wipe their nose when necessary.


1. Our premises are approved by the relevant body to comply with Fire Regulations. These will be checked annually.

2. We always work with the stipulated Ofsted ratios for the age group of the children.

3. All children are supervised at all times and will always be within the sight of an adult.

4. A record is kept of all accidents.

5. An adult is always on duty near the door when the children leave.

6. Children will only be allowed to leave the nursery with their parents or people nominated by their parents.

7. Fire drills are held often to ensure sufficient practice is provided

8. Smoking is not permitted on the premises.

9. Fire extinguishers are available and are checked annually.

10. Children will be well supervised when on outings. Usually 1:3 ratio

11. The premises are checked before the start and at the end of each session.


1. Staff will not discuss any matters/issues regarding the individual child – except with their parents – other than for the purposes of curriculum planning and group management.
2. Parents will have access to the records of their children.
3. If a child protection issue is raised staff will only discuss the matter with relevant people.
4. Parents are also expected not to discuss sensitive matters regarding staff, other children etc should an incident arise.


At Rainbow House we aim to support/build on the foundations laid by their parents, therefore at all times good communication is very important. Opportunities for this are delivered the following ways:

1. Have a quick chat when convenient during drop off and collection times with the key worker.
2. Should more time be required ask the key worker for a suitable time.
3. Comments box
4. Call the office number and leave a message
5. Termly parent days

For those matters that require more attention you can arrange to talk with the Coordinator during parent surgeries. Appointments can be made via your child’s key worker or by telephoning.

“If you like what we do here please tell others, if you don’t like something then please inform us”
Further Comment/Complaints procedure:

1. Speak to your child’s key worker, Coordinator or if needed Centre Manager

2. If the matter is not resolved to the parents’ satisfaction at the first stages, the coordinator/manager will advise you to put the matter clearly in writing. The coordinator/manager may advise you of a format

3. If the issue is not then resolved, the coordinator/manager will inform the parent that the matter will be taken to the Management Committee, who will consider it at their next meeting.

4. If the matter is still not resolved you may call Ofsted thereafter.

Healthy eating policy

Rainbow House follows the guidance given local authority children centres. 

What is not allowed?

Drink of any kind. Sweets, chocolate and that includes it being put in sandwiches, crisps, biscuits, fried food, bakery items, the general rule being unhealthy content not allowed.

What is allowed?

We provide water. Fruit, pasta, noodles, sandwiches with anything from cheese, egg, tuna, salami, cucumber, salad, vegetables, wraps, rolls, carrot sticks and all those food best for growing children. Please do not give your child too much – anything they don’t eat we goes back in to their bag to take home. We do not want to waste food not eaten.

Our food/snack times are a social event and positive eating habits are thus easily promoted.